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TDMMC Forums => Dolphins Discussion => Topic started by: Dave Gray on January 13, 2006, 12:57:14 am

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: Dave Gray on January 13, 2006, 12:57:14 am
I think it would be foolish to pass on Reggie Bush.  Houston has already gambled on a QB, and I don't think that ALL of the cards have been flipped on the hand just yet.

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: bsfins on January 13, 2006, 07:47:16 am
I think Skip Bayless is reading our board,or listening to Maine...He just mentioned on cold pizza,trading David Carr to Miami.

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: mcduff81 on January 13, 2006, 07:56:40 am
I hate that SOB..Don't believe a word he says..honestly. He is the least credible person I have ever heard or read.

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: JVides on January 13, 2006, 08:03:30 am
Oooh...I get to play GM?  OK, here goes (no draft specifics , since there'e a ways to go before then).

I hear the Lions may be dumping WR Charles Rogers this offseason, since he's injury prone.  He's also young, 6'3", 220, really fast, and has ties to Saban (Michigan State).  I see if I can't pick him up on the cheap.

I look into all the LaVar Arrington issues with the Redskins, see if he's available for cheap.  Can you imagine rushing him up the field opposite Jason Taylor?

I look into Ricky for solid quarterback trades, like Carr. (Not gonna happen, but why not look around?)

I look into Left Tackles (L.J. Shelton?  Draft?)

I spend the draft upgrading at QB (if one falls to 16), CB, safety, Left Tackle, and Defensive Tackle (Zgonina and Traylor are...ahem...old.)

I end the offseason by sprinkling magic fairy dust over myself and flying off to Neverneverland (Not the Michael Jackson one), where there is no salary cap to which I must answer.

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: JVides on January 13, 2006, 08:04:36 am
I hate that SOB..Don't believe a word he says..honestly. He is the least credible person I have ever heard or read.

I don't know how Skip Bayless has a job.  What a dumbass. Really.

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: Sunstroke on January 13, 2006, 10:24:40 am
I hate that SOB..Don't believe a word he says..honestly. He is the least credible person I have ever heard or read.


I don't know how Skip Bayless has a job.  What a dumbass. Really.

Amen to both of ya...Bayless is a complete moron.

The rumor that I hear keeps picking up steam is Denver using the second of their two first round picks and making a deal with Miami for Ricky. Despite how nice it would be to get a late 1st round pick for Ricky, I really don't want Ricky to go to Denver... I can't stand the Donkos, and I think Ricky would actually help them.

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: mcduff81 on January 13, 2006, 10:27:10 am
Very hard not to make that deal if your a Dolphin...
I have a hard time seeing Denver do that. It doesn't seem to matter who plays RB for them, why trade a 12t round pick for a RB???

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: fyo on January 13, 2006, 03:56:33 pm
I agree. Why in the world would the Broncos give up a first rounder for a running back when they already have arguably the best ground game in the league. (a good handful yards less than Atlanta, IIRC, but like 50% more touchdowns).

Plus, they've had tremendous success at plugging just about anybody into their scheme... (we'll see what happens if they lose Bobby Turner, their rb coach the past 10+ years - that many good running backs coming out of one place and I have to believe the coach is part of the reason).

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: Sunstroke on January 13, 2006, 04:14:23 pm
I've heard that Denver-Miami rumor from three different sources now. While I doubt anything like that will come to fruition, the fact that it's making the rounds in the rumor mill tells me that at least one side has inquired along those lines.

And as far as Denver's running game... They have a 62 year old Mike Anderson and a highly injury prone Tatum Bell (oh yeah, and Ron Dayne...ooooh) I could see Ricky being an upgrade to any of those backs at this point.

Just a hunch, but I'll bet, league-wide, that this will be one of the most active offseasons for trading in recent memory.

(edited for typo extermination)

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: dolfan13 on January 14, 2006, 08:09:07 pm
season has been over for the texans for three weeks now. carr is their man right??? keep saying they are gonna exercise his option. hmmmm.... how come they haven't put their money where their big mouth is??? gotta wonder. you have so much confidence in carr. sign him already, its no secret.

yeah right, i'm not buying that one.

Title: Re: If I were the GM...
Post by: fyo on February 10, 2006, 05:37:47 pm
season has been over for the texans for three weeks now. carr is their man right??? keep saying they are gonna exercise his option. hmmmm.... how come they haven't put their money where their big mouth is??? gotta wonder. you have so much confidence in carr. sign him already, its no secret.

yeah right, i'm not buying that one.
Do you buy it now?