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Author Topic: New blog post: Why Jeff Ireland deserves to keep his job  (Read 23613 times)
Brian Fein
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« on: December 18, 2012, 02:18:42 pm »


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« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 02:48:50 pm »

I don't have a problem with Ireland, as many other fans do.  The years that Parcells was here, I don't believe he had much control when it came to picking players and coaches.  The last two years I believe have been good drafts.  Every team drafts players that become busts, and pass on players that become all-stars, that's how the business goes.
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 02:59:38 pm »

Wow, Bell was the leading tackler last season?  If your leading tackler is a member of your secondary, your defense has problems.
Brian Fein
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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2012, 03:16:44 pm »

Bell led the team with 107 tackles last year, followed by Dansby (105) and Burnett (103)
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« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2012, 04:26:41 pm »

I'm not saying that Ireland should stay or go.  But I think it's fair to ask yourself: Are you happy with the talent on this team?  And then it's fair to say: Who is responsible for the talent on this team?

I think that there is really only 1 saving grace to Ireland right now and that's that he sacrificed to get a lot of picks and cap room.  He deserves credit for that, and for that, I think you probably give him a year to cash in on all that he's "spent" to get them. 

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Brian Fein
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« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2012, 04:46:19 pm »

I think that there is really only 1 saving grace to Ireland right now and that's that he sacrificed to get a lot of picks and cap room.  He deserves credit for that, and for that, I think you probably give him a year to cash in on all that he's "spent" to get them. 
That's my point exactly.  I'm not advocating he needs to stay for 10 more years, but he needs 1 more year.  Its do or die in 2013 for him.
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« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2012, 07:27:11 pm »

I said he and Philbin should get another year as long as they didn't lose the first 6 games (and wound up with at least 2 wins), and I'm sticking to that.

« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2012, 11:39:18 pm »

It's nice that we've hit on some players and yes, it finally looks like we might have a quarterback that has a chance to be successful at this point, but we just flat out don't have the talent as a team to compete in the NFL on a week to week basis. Sure, we can win a few games against the bottom feeders of the NFL, but against winning teams we are simply out-matched talent wise. We have only one win against a team with a winning record this year and that team (Cincinnati) is 8-6 and will be underdogs in their final two games.

This lack of talent to compete in the NFL on a week to week basis absolutely falls on the GM. He has hit on the few players that you've mentioned, but he has not yet fielded a team with enough talent to win against the top teams in the NFL. I'm not even talking about consistently beating top teams, I'm just talking about beating them once. It's been two years since the last time they've beat a team that made the playoffs. The reason for that isn't scheme at this point. It's the lack of ability to field a competitive team.

You mentioned people turning on Chad Henne and once doing so, didn't give him a chance. Were people wrong in their assessment of Henne? Looks like they were correct and it was the right decision to move on. I believe the Ireland situation is similar. Sure, there are many people that want to see Ireland fired regardless of recent moves to stock pile draft picks and cap space. But just because they have seen enough of Ireland doesn't mean it was a rash decision. He has a track record with Miami. The track record shows that he has put the team in the position that it cannot compete on a week to week basis in the NFL and this has been the case for several years now. This is why I think we need to move on immediately and try to find someone that will be more successful in bringing in talent.
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« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2012, 02:29:25 am »

We have only one win against a team with a winning record this year and that team (Cincinnati) is 8-6 and will be underdogs in their final two games.
You're forgetting about Seattle.

He has hit on the few players that you've mentioned, but he has not yet fielded a team with enough talent to win against the top teams in the NFL. I'm not even talking about consistently beating top teams, I'm just talking about beating them once. It's been two years since the last time they've beat a team that made the playoffs.
They didn't beat a playoff team last year, if that's what you mean.  They beat two teams this year that are currently slotted as playoff teams (CIN, SEA) and in 2010, they beat NYJ (who played in the AFC Championship) and the eventual SB champion, GB (at Lambeau, mind you).  In 2009, MIA beat NE and beat NYJ twice.  So usually Ireland's teams have been good for 1-2 wins against playoff caliber teams.

Not that that's good enough, but you're overstating your case.

Brian Fein
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« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2012, 03:18:08 am »

You have to be able to separate Ireland + Sparano from Ireland + Philbin.

Ireland + Philbin has had 1 year, and we've all seen what has happened.  No one expected playoffs this year.  This year was wasted to begin with and we all know that.  That's WHY they stockpiled picks to prepare for next year.  You handicap your new coach by getting rid of his GM now.  Especially if the new guy hates the current staff.

You also have to separate Ireland from Ireland + Parcells.  You cannot evaluate Ireland on his own when considering teams that have tuna stank on them.  I specifically looked at Ireland post-Parcells in this post for that reason.  I think Parcells used Ireland as a puppet and set him up as a fall guy, when in fact he was the guy responsible.  Mostly, I really like what Ireland has done post-Parcells.

It seems that fans aren't able to separate the phases of Ireland, and that's the problem.

Again, I'm not saying he should stay for the long term.  I'm saying that right now isn't the time to do it.  He sacrificed this season to set up for next year.  You can't just take the rug out from under him - you have to let him see his plan through and prove his worth.  If he proves to F everything up even more, then yes, fire him.  Next year.

FWIW - I think the reaction on Twitter to this post is funny.  One guy unfollowed and blocked @TDMMC because of this article, just based on the headline.  Wow.
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« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2012, 05:58:58 am »

The issue here is one of culture I think, in this sport where fan bases only ever see themselves as one good draft away from a playoff appearance there is always a tendency to point the finger at someone for a poor year, and people love to judge with 20/20 hindsight.

When you think about the job of a GM, in assembling a talent pool you have to consider all the different factors, across the draft, free agency and add into that the other 31 teams are trying to do the same as you. In any given year you can have a strategy which would build you a great team, but you can't control all the factors, all you can do is execute your plan the best you can.

Even if you achieve everything you aimed for you've still got the unknowns of busted draft picks and injuries not to mention the unknowns of what happens on a Sunday afternoon defining the season.

Can you guarantee a new GM is any better, I bet most people would have loved to take Scott Pioli from NE a couple of years back but do Chiefs fans think their team is talented?

In my mind, there is only one way to judge a GM do the decsions make sense? To the rational person (not an armchair homer fan GM who beleieves only their opinion makes sense) can you rationalise the move? Marshall trade...talent wise it doesn't make sense but a diva WR who wants the ball with a rookie QB has the potential to disrupt the team...and so on.

Ultimately this team was one of the pre-season favourites to suck, and yet with the team assembled, and a young team at that were a genuine playoff contender deep into November and have beaten some solid teams. I think that in itself shows the Ireland/Philbin tandem deserves another shot at showing they understand the weaknesses and can build on what they have assembled.
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2012, 08:26:03 am »

It's the way Jeff Ireland carries himself that I have an issue with.  As a result, a lot of free agent players (and coaches) are avoiding coming to the Dolphins.  If they want to have any chance of surviving, they need to get rid of him.  As for Philbin's job being at risk, that won't be the case if they bring in a new GM that Philbin knows.  Prying Ted Thompson away from Green Bay would be a perfect example.

Even the '72 team has its doubts about Ireland.  Check this out:

Several ’72 Dolphins in town for the reunion this past weekend - including Paul Warfield – said they simply cannot say with certainty that Miami is headed in the right direction. Regarding Jeff Ireland, Manny Fernandez said: “Even a blind hawk finds an acorn once in a while.”

Brian Fein
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« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2012, 09:43:35 am »

Please show me 1 single quote from a free agent player that says he didn't come to Miami because he doesn't like Jeff Ireland.  That's YOUR hatred speaking, not reality.
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2012, 11:39:51 am »

Please show me 1 single quote from a free agent player that says he didn't come to Miami because he doesn't like Jeff Ireland.  That's YOUR hatred speaking, not reality.

Here you go. 

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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2012, 11:48:28 am »


"No one! To believe I almost went there but it was easy decision not to. ... It's my honest opinion. Not a good guy making decisions ... Done w talk of the Dolphins. Good luck to their team. Their are some good men working hard to win games ON the field. ... After having so much interaction w Phins fans today I am even more excited that I was blessed to stay in Pittsburgh. God knew better than me"

Asked and answered.

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