Ultimately, I just don't see how the difference between this:

and this:

...is enough to call the new uniforms hideous and insulting.
As I've said before, I've love it if the new uniforms went to the same shade of aqua as the throwbacks. But the idea that we, as fans, are embarrassed more by the "cartoon whale" than the previous "cartoon whale wearing a football helmet" is silly. I'll happily take the new aqua if it means we don't have to go back to the old logo.
I think that's a little cheeky picking out two very generic photoshopped online store picks to say how similar the jerseys are. Let's take a look at what the real ones look like out in the field...


I'll take the Dolphins
real logo and real colours seven days a week instead of that pastel pisstake that's been forced on us.
Ps. We just happen to win a hell of a lot more in that old uniform too by the way...