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Author Topic: Dolphin Free Agents  (Read 1311 times)
CF DolFan
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« on: January 23, 2024, 10:26:01 am »

If money was no object it would be easy but we have a salary cap. Which 3 free agents would you prioritize on signing? For me it would be Conner Williams, Christian Wilkins, and Andrew Von Ginkel.

I think Conner is our best offensive lineman and we play better when he is calling protections. He graded out as the best center in the league this year on PFF.

Wilkens has so many intangibles like talent, leadership, and can be the bully you need him to be in the middle. He is the is the heart and soul of this team.  We cannot not re-sign him in my opinion.

And lastly AVG. They guy is a talent who can play multiple positions on defense. Fangio loves this guy and some say he is his favorite player. He is a playmaker who just quietly goes about doing his job. He's been making plays for the Dolphins for several years now and I really hope he gets to continue.

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Fau Teixeira
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« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2024, 10:46:02 am »

can't really argue with the picks or logic. I'm on board.

I don't think we re-sign wilkins however. He's going to get a bigger bag elsewhere.
Dave Gray
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« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2024, 11:26:58 am »

You probably get good value for AVG, too.  And he wants to stay.

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« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2024, 10:54:59 am »

For the Dolphins to get better, they have to get better in the trenches. Offensive line and defensive line need some love. We've paid the flashly players, it's time to pay those guys in the trenches that allow the flashy players to do what they do best. Your 3 picks are spot on, but lets not forget about the draft. We need more football players, not necessarily more stars. Offensive line, defensive line, linebackers and TE's need to see some love in the draft and fewer WR's, RB's and CB's. We have plenty of those guys and they look great in September, not so great come December. We need to start building some balance so that we can look good in December and January and if that comes at the expense of a little bit of star power in September, so be it.

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« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2024, 02:29:41 pm »

If money was no object it would be easy but we have a salary cap. Which 3 free agents would you prioritize on signing? For me it would be Conner Williams, Christian Wilkins, and Andrew Von Ginkel.

I think Conner is our best offensive lineman and we play better when he is calling protections. He graded out as the best center in the league this year on PFF.

Wilkens has so many intangibles like talent, leadership, and can be the bully you need him to be in the middle. He is the is the heart and soul of this team.  We cannot not re-sign him in my opinion.

And lastly AVG. They guy is a talent who can play multiple positions on defense. Fangio loves this guy and some say he is his favorite player. He is a playmaker who just quietly goes about doing his job. He's been making plays for the Dolphins for several years now and I really hope he gets to continue.

I agree, other than I'd like to draft a center if one is available.
CF DolFan
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Posts: 17289

« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2024, 06:18:39 pm »

I'll have to rethink my list as I'm betting AVG ends up in Philly as they have more money. Fangio loves this guy.

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
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