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Author Topic: Where do we go from here?  (Read 1150 times)
Uber Member
Posts: 654

« on: January 30, 2024, 02:07:03 am »

What can Miami realistically do this offseason?

Where can we find some money? Can we unload X somehow? I think it’s time he was a liability this year. Can we find a suitable cheaper replacement or give up some capital to get a suitable match for Ramsey?

How do we get bigger and tougher? I’d still see if we can get Derrick Henry for a reasonable price, we need that tough running short yardage help. I think he’s got some juice to immediately help us in an area if need.

What about drafting a fullback? I mean really just find some mean mauler if such a thing exists or find an athletic TE that can block?

Are there any realistic OL draft of free agent options we can possibly make work?

How can we make this team better and give us another shot at this?
Uber Member
Posts: 5568

« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2024, 01:04:58 pm »

IMO the #1 priority is to draft a center.  Williams was great when on the field, but was injured too much, and is too expensive.

#2  Have an OC that is going to call the plays, McDaniel is too slow in some situations which results in wasted time-outs, delay of game penalties, and not being able to use the motion called for in a play.

#3 Defense is going to be hurting to start the season, Fangio gone, Chubb and Philllips won't be ready to play until October/November, not sure how to rectify that problem.  Add that to issues with X, etc. and it's going to be ugly.

It will be interesting to see what happens with the draft and free agency, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some regression.
Uber Member
Posts: 654

« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2024, 01:46:29 pm »

IMO the #1 priority is to draft a center.  Williams was great when on the field, but was injured too much, and is too expensive.

#2  Have an OC that is going to call the plays, McDaniel is too slow in some situations which results in wasted time-outs, delay of game penalties, and not being able to use the motion called for in a play.

#3 Defense is going to be hurting to start the season, Fangio gone, Chubb and Philllips won't be ready to play until October/November, not sure how to rectify that problem.  Add that to issues with X, etc. and it's going to be ugly.

It will be interesting to see what happens with the draft and free agency, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some regression.

That’s what I’m worried about that we go into next year worse and finish 9-8 and either get bounced again or miss entirely
CF DolFan
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Uber Member
Posts: 17289

« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2024, 02:58:44 pm »

Hard to say right now until the team works out some contracts and we know who is staying. Financially we are in bad shape right now but that can get pushed down the road if they want. Next comes free agency. So many variables right now that it's hard to say what we are capable of next season. We don't even know who will lead our defense let alone what defense we will run.

If everything stayed the same I'd say we need a decent third receiver and a more physical offensive line. KC was driving Baltimore off the ball and that's simply not something we can do.

Getting offended by something you see on the internet is like choosing to step in dog shite instead of walking around it.
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